Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices | Innovation Lab

Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices' Innovation Lab is a hub for transforming the real estate arm of Berkshire Hathaway through Lean Startup Methodology. Created to serve 43,000+ agents across 43 brokerages, our mission was to enhance transparency and accessibility for clients. The platform we developed includes a consumer-facing website, a Salesforce-based CRM, and a proprietary CMS that prioritizes GDPR compliance and accessibility. The project's major challenge was integrating the diverse and unique cultures of each brokerage while fostering trust among technology-related stakeholders.

Based In
Austin, TX
Director of UX & Product Design
Director of UX & Product Design
1 Product Manager
6 Product Designers
14 Software Engineers
4 Business Quality Analysts
2 Data Scientists
Product Stack
Adobe CC
Axure RP
JIRA Software
Email on Acid

The Challenge

Create a unified platform (Website, CMS, CRM) that supports 43 different brokerages and empowers their agents nationwide while giving respect to the unique aspects of each real estate market.

Make Way for Berkshire Hathaway’s New Center for Innovation

Role Overview

As Director of UX & Product Design at Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, I scaled the product team from 4 to 16, leading the design work and overseeing product designs. During the 11-month acquisition process, I played a key role in showcasing our innovative UX process to 14 C-level executives at Berkshire Hathaway. Upon acquisition, I co-founded and directed product design, supervising six designers across four cross-functional teams. For this portfolio, I will detail the journey of on-boarding our first client, BHHS Kansas City Realty.

Client Description

BHHS Kansas City Realty, based in Kansas, is the 3rd smallest brokerage under the BHHS umbrella. They pride themselves on being a 'one-stop-shop' for all real estate needs, offering services like title, insurance, mortgage, home warranty, and relocation. Through interviews with the CEO, we identified him as a visionary and ideal early adopter of our platform.


Agent Persona
Buyer Persona
Seller Persona
Broker Persona


  • Identify Kansas City Realty agents' and clients' main pain points.
  • Conduct an initial assessment to establish baseline metrics, including web performance and accessibility scores.
  • Launch and iterate on the MVP, measuring outcomes to guide continuous improvement.

Pain Points
  • Outdated website practices not in line with modern standards or GDPR compliance.
  • No consistent tracking/reporting of user engagement from lead to closing.
  • Absence of a central CMS, leading to reliance on third-party vendors.
  • Agents using disparate CRM and website platforms, hindering data aggregation.
  • Manual lead-to-agent association.
  • Mobile performance issues.
  • Lack of a central data warehouse for information across 43 brokerages.

Brokerage Assessment
First Meaningful Paint
Time to Interactive
Accessibility Score
Overall Performance Score
Card Sorting
Card Sorting Results
Card Sorting Results
Tree Test
Tree Test
Proposed Navigation

Story Map

The creation of an MVP release line within our story map was challenging due to stakeholder reluctance to let go of certain features. The agent website was one contentious example, and Kansas City Realty agents were vocal about wanting it as part of their "desk-fee." However, after extensive research and discussions, our Product Design team advocated against including it in the MVP to retain control over the search experience. While this decision was initially unpopular with agents, engagement between key stakeholders and myself led to the agent website being excluded from the MVP. In retrospect, this was the right decision, as only 10% of agents utilized the proprietary CMS built post-MVP. Most agents now direct clients to the newly designed brokerage website.

Build / Measure / Learn
  • Build: Our MVP, launched in June 2019, was initially soft-launched for consumer feedback, leading to rapid adjustments before the public release.
  • Measure: Within two weeks, we matched metrics with leading platforms like Zillow, marking significant improvement over initial baseline figures with Kansas City Realty.
  • Learn: We ran an experiment to increase the sentiment score of Kansas City Realty's agents, resulting in a 150% increase. Our hypothesis was validated, and the launch success set us up favorably for approaching future brokerages.
  • Hypothesis: by launching Kansas City Realty's website that focuses around the needs of their agents, we will see a 20% increase in the sentiment score across the agents in regards to their own brokerage.
  • Results: The sentiment score increased by 150% from 0.02 to 0.05 within 30 days of the new website's launch, validating our hypothesis.

Next Steps

With the successful launch, we're better positioned to approach the remaining 42 brokerages with strong data backing our proposals.

Final Thoughts

Throughout the acquisition process to the full life cycle of the product, my experiences have taught me valuable leadership lessons. Embracing failure as motivation, understanding the importance of team passion, creativity, and culture, and recognizing the crucial role of each individual has led to our success. These insights have shaped our approach and strengthened our impact on the product we're creating.

Welcome Lunch for New Team Member
Christmas Party 2018