Afoundria | Health IT

Afoundria, an Austin-based Health IT firm, focused on creating an Electronic Health Record (EHR) product to enable physicians to digitally document patient data in Senior Nursing and Post-Acute Care facilities.

Based In
Austin, TX
Product Manager → UX Developer
1 Product Manager
1 UX Developer
3 Software Engineers
Product Stack
Axure RP
Adobe CC

The Challenge

How might we best free up the physician’s time to increase time with the patient?


Create a system where physicians can efficiently create orders (panel, lab, radiology, medication, therapy, and others including monitoring) and see the results of those orders in an effective and informed manner.


  • Physicians
  • Physician Assistants


  • The conventional pen-and-paper method led to inefficiencies and errors.
  • Many physicians struggled with inputting lab orders and obtaining results efficiently.


  • Understand the pain points of physicians and offer digital solutions.
  • Create an MVP prototype using Axure RP and run usability sessions with physicians in the early adopter pool to validate early and pivot fast.
  • Leverage the prototype to secure funding for the production version.



The first experiment involved creating an MVP prototype specifically for Lab orders. This was tested in 7 separate usability sessions at each physician's office to assess its impact on experience and efficiency.


We believe that by creating a way for physicians to submit lab orders within the existing EHR, we will see a 40% decrease in the time spent creating and submitting lab orders.


Achieved a 76.47% decrease in time, validating the hypothesis and leading to a second iteration of the prototype.

Final Thoughts

The astonishing results from the prototype significantly exceeded expectations, leading to further development of the remaining order entry types. By validating the MVP solution for lab orders, Afoundria was able to secure a $2.5 million funding round, positioning the company for further growth and innovation in the field of Health IT.